Picture Of a Cathedralite

(1) Always friendly with others in and out of College.

(2) Avoids vulgarity in their talk and behavior. He/she never calls others by bad names no matter what anybody calls them.

(3) Accepts whatever work is assigned to them as their rightful share. Always face difficulties courageously.

(4) Always ready to lend a helping hand at home to their parents, brothers, and sisters, in the college to their teachers and companions and any unattended visitor, they happen to meet on the college premises.

(5) Rises when an elder, teacher or visitor enters or passes through any room or place they happen to be in.

(6) Never quarrels and is never unfair.

(7) Is courteous to and sportsman-like with officials.


(8) Is always truthful whatever it may cost them.

(9) Is never cruel. Never causes pain needlessly. Is aware that cruelty is the trait of a bully, while kindness is the mark of a gentleman.

(10) Never makes fun of the old or the poor, no matter how decrepit or unfortunate they maybe neither will make fun of a companion because of a misfortune or handicap who they cannot help, for they know God’s hands rest lovingly on the heads of all human beings.

(11) Respects the Library and the rights of other students using it.

(12) Respects the beauty of the classroom and the college premises and reports the damages that may be observed.

(13) Learns and observes good manners at the table and elsewhere.

(14) Never hesitates to say “No” when asked or tempted to do a thing which is known to be wrong.

(15) Instead of lamenting and grumbling over the evils of this world, tries to contribute a share in making the world a better place to live in.